The Art of Delegating Effectively

 Courseware Includes:
Student Workbook
Instructor Guide
Course Outline
Power Point Slides
Suggested Reading

 Intellectual Property:
Unlimited Printing
One time Fee
Customizable Content


Delegation is often one of the hardest skills for a manager to master. However, the skill can be learned. This one-day workshop will explore many of the facets of delegation: when to delegate, and choosing the right person. We will also go through the delegation process step by step, to see where the pitfalls lie, and what we can do about getting around them.

How You Will Benefit:

  • Clearly identify how delegation fits into your job and how it can make you more successful
  • Identify different ways of delegating tasks
  • Use an eight-step process for effective delegation
  • Give better instructions for better delegation results
  • Ask better questions and listen more effectively
  • Recognize common delegation pitfalls and how to avoid them
  • Test your delegation skills

What You Will Cover:

  • What is delegation?
  • Why delegate?
  • Picking the right person
  • The delegation meeting
  • Levels of authority
  • Giving instructions
  • Communication skills
  • Monitoring delegation
  • Practicing delegation
  • Giving feedback
  • Becoming a good delegator




Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
20210 West 93rd Street

Lenexa, KS 66220

Toll Free: 877-385-5515
Local: 913-385-5515
Fax: 913-385-3353

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