Welcome to Management...Now What? - $49.00
Develop essential management skills to insure success as a manager.
Product Code: NewMgr
Duration of Course Access: 60 Days
CEU Credits: .1
HRCI Credits: 1
Introduction and Overview
Welcome to Management...Now What? reviews ways that a new manager can become an effective manager. The role of the manager has become increasingly complex. Because managers work through other people, and because that work is done in an organization, managing effectively involves learning new skills and handling a web of human relationships.
"As a manager with little experience, this course helped point out characteristics of a strong manager I never considered. Now I feel like I can have a better relationship with my supervisor as well as those I supervise. Great course and flexible with my schedule! " – James H.
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Define the role of a manager
- Explain the differences between individual contributors and managers
- Discuss the five key managerial activities
- Explain the three general management styles (authoritarian, participative and empowerment) and their respective uses
- Identify your views on hierarchy and management
- Understand the need for continual learning and growth in meeting the challenges of being a manager
This course is self-paced and online. You will have access to this course for 60 days. Upon successful completion, you will receive a certificate of completion from One Hour Courses.
Target Audience: This course is designed for first-time managers and supervisors.
Level/ Prerequisites: Introductory/No Prerequisites
Estimated Time to Complete: 1 hour
Successful Completion Requirement for Continuing Education Credit: Learners must score at least 70% on the course self-assessment to receive 0.1 IACET CEU and 1 HRCI Specified - Strategic Business Credit Hour.
View: Instructor-Led Leadership / Management Courses, Seminars and Workshops