Overcoming Negativity in the Workplace
Training Helps You Eliminate Workplace Negativity and Create a More Positive and Productive Work Environment
Overcome workplace negativity in this onsite seminar. Participants learn skills and techniques to improve employee attitudes, reduce complaining and griping, and create a more positive workplace. In this training session, managers learn how to confront negative employee behavior head on and turn it around.
Not confronting workplace negativity is one of the major reasons negativity in the workplace exists.
Let’s face it; anyone can have a bad attitude. We have all experienced feelings of anger and frustration and have been challenged by work problems of various types. But it's how we deal with these feelings and problems that creates our attitude. Most managers want the bad attitudes to just go away. Unfortunately, bad attitudes and negativity do not just go away on their own. The attitudes creating workplace negativity can turn into major productivity issues if not handled appropriately.
Management training is essential. When work pressures, problems or change create feelings of uncertainty, negativity is going to surface. Often, the rumor mill is running rampant. Management needs to confront it. But many managers have not had training on specific skills and communication techniques to effectively deal with employee negativity.
Plus, the managers and supervisors themselves must be careful of how they display their own emotions to staff. Moments of anger and frustration can end up being displayed in ways that create negative reactions from staff. The manager’s reaction to events – both good and bad – are seen and emulated by employees. Training managers how to effectively interact and communicate in challenging situations can be a key to their ability to control employee negativity and improve their success as leaders.
Do these negative workplace issues sound familiar?
- A lack of trust is keeping morale low
- Employees make preventable mistakes because they don’t seem to care
- No one seems to have fun at work anymore
- Employees spend too much time complaining and griping
- The rumor mill is out of control
- Employees talk badly about management, other departments, customers or each other
- Department negativity is causing employees to request transfers or even quit
- Workplace absenteeism is increasing
- Back-stabbing and back-biting are creating an adversarial environment
- People stop talking when the manager comes in
- Employees just don't seem to care about doing a good job
If workplace negativity is part of your work environment, this training is for you.
Through interactive discussions, exercises and case studies, managers learn to communicate effectively when dealing with negative individuals, teams and departments. Managers learn how to deal with negative employees by:
- Helping employees vent feelings and share complaints and gripes appropriately
- Developing listening skills to understand the real issues and hidden agendas
- Taking effective action to turn negativity into positive work behaviors
- Applying specific techniques to control gossip and limit animosity, tension and ill-will
- And much more...
Participants discover how to focus on what is good and help others, regardless of their position, make their workplace a better, more positive environment. Everyone leaves with new skills to replace apathy, pessimism and negativity with positive enthusiasm and winning work attitudes.
Who Should Attend
This training seminar is designed for executives, managers, supervisors and human resource personnel who need to control workplace negativity or turn around a negative work culture and negative work behaviors.
Training Benefits
- Increase the productivity and quality of the work being performed
- Increase employee loyalty and morale
- Improve communication between people and departments
- Decrease employee turnover rate by improving interpersonal relationships
- Eliminate the underlying causes of negativity, complaining and griping
- Reduce employee absenteeism and turnover
- Overcome negative attitudes before they effect others and become widespread
- Recognize and reverse organizational negativity
Overview of Concepts and Deliverables Provided
- How to better understand the current level of negativity by completing a negativity survey
- How to identify the specific type of corporate negativity that exists
- Recognize the causes of management distrust
- How to develop trust between the employees and management
- How to improve the trust of management communication
- Develop listening and questioning skills to uncover the "real" issues
- How to deal effectively with the five emotional responses to organizational distrust
- Implement a step-by-step recovery process to re-establish trust between employees and management
- Reduce the underlying causes of employee griping, complaining and negativity
- How to confront the negators
- Implement specific steps to turn negativity around
- Handle disgruntled employees effectively
- How to get buy-in from employees to change their behavior
- How to establish clear expectations and boundaries of acceptable behavior
- How to successfully deal with disgruntled employees
- How to implement change management techniques to gain support
- Turn negativity and complaining around through assertive communication
- Use positive approaches to squelch gossip and back-stabbing
- How to improve employee morale and reduce the most common cause of absenteeism
- Identify and eliminate workplace negativity that leads to employee turnover
- Discover ways to spread a positive attitude to others
- Develop your Personal Action Plan to Implement Changes for a More Positive Work Environment
To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.
You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Featured Trainers in Human Resources
Complying with the Privacy Rule under HIPAA
Training on HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules to Ensure Compliance
This custom HIPAA privacy rule training shows you how to build privacy and security into employment policies and practices to comply with the HIPAA regulations relevant to your industry and your organization.
Who Should Attend
Employers covered by the rule are required to comply with the new requirements. Civil and criminal penalties can be imposed if privacy rights are violated. You will learn how to deal with the complex and confusing policies contained in the Privacy Rule as they pertain to your organization. (This course will be customized to your organization and your participants.)
Training Benefits
- Health plans and health care providers will be able to comply with the new rule
- Managers, supervisors and employees who may come in contact with Personal Health Information will follow compliance requirements
- Adopt and implement privacy procedures
- Guidelines for an individual who has been delegated responsibility, will be followed
- Be in compliance with required training
- Secure records containing individually identifiable health information
Overview of Concepts and Deliverables Provided
- Understand the confidentiality required for all Protected Health Information
- Understand employment records held by a Covered Entity in its role as an employer, are not included as PHI
- What are incidental uses and disclosures
- Explanation of the “minimum necessary” standard
- The rules on personal representatives
- Who and how are disclosures made to the “business associates” of covered entities
- What limits apply to disclosures for treatment, payment and operations
- Marketing communication…what is it
- Disclosures for research, workers’ compensation and public health activities
- Required notice providing clear explanation of privacy rights and practices
- Restrictions on government access to health information
- Managers learn about the scope of the rule and the consequences of noncompliance
- Understand the requirement to train employees about privacy obligations
- Responsibility of a HIPAA privacy officer
- Formulate sanctions for employees who violate the privacy rule
- Discuss policies limiting access to health information and allowing individuals to see and amend their health records
- Understand HIPAA’s relationship with state laws
- Review the Security Standards, which are in addition to the Privacy Standards
To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.
You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Featured Trainers in Human Resources
How To Be a Successful Interviewer
Learn Proven Interview Skills to Conduct Better Interviews and Choose The Right Candidate for the Job
This Onsite Interviewing Skills Seminar provides training on behavioral based interviewing techniques, develops interview skills to ask great questions and probe answers to make great hiring decisions. Plus, you learn how to keep the interview legal. Our competency-focused behavioral-based interview training makes use of the principle that past and present behavior is the best predictor of future performance.
The seminar is a fast-paced and highly interactive learning experience. Participants learn skills in a practice-driven environment. Exercises, practical examples and immediate feedback build confidence and effectiveness that can be applied immediately on the job.
To avoid hiring mistakes you must pay close attention to your recruiting, interviewing and candidate selection process.
If these questions concern you, this seminar is for you.
- Are you hiring the candidate who best fits the job and the organization?
- Do interviewers know how to hire the person with the right “work attitude”?
- Do interviewers really understand how to probe for on-the-job behaviors?
- Does your hiring or selection process lack consistency?
- Are your interviewers asking illegal interview questions?
- Are you making hiring mistakes?
Good interview skills and techniques help you match the best person to the right job and build a bright future for your organization. Poor hiring decisions are costly in terms of time, excessive recruiting costs, added training costs, poor performance and negative impact on good performers.
This training develops interviewing skills and up-to-date techniques to improve your ability to hire a winning team. Participants learn the elements of a successful interview. They learn proven methods for assessing and measuring an applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. They discover how to make an accurate read on a candidate’s skill level, their work attitude and job aptitude. With newly developed listening skills and probing skills, participants leave this training with the tools they need to make great hiring decisions.
We tailor this course to meet the needs of your business and address the specific job placement issues your organization is facing.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for recruiters, managers, supervisors and anyone involved in the candidate selection process. Beginners and those with interviewing experience benefit by developing skills to identify the candidate who best fits the needs of the job, the department and the organization.
Training Benefits
- Avoid the most common interviewing mistakes
- Understand the legal guidelines all interviewers must know
- Prepare for the interview to be beneficial to both parties
- Understand the “dos” and “don’ts” of interviewing
- Identify the best candidate with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to get the job done
- Establish the format and ground rules for the interview
- Document the interview by focusing on descriptions and facts, not judgments and opinions
Overview of Concepts and Deliverables Provided
- Understand the need for job analysis
- Define essential functions and hiring criteria
- Understand and comply with EEO and legal rules and guidelines
- Know how to avoid charges of intentional or unintentional discrimination
- When and when not to use group interviews and, if used, how to make them work
- Developing essential interviewing skills - Active listening - Communicating with different styles
- Recognizing the red flags you should look for in resumes
- Planning for the interview
- Creating the best interview environment
- Developing rapport with candidates and making them feel at ease
- Developing interview questions
- Asking powerful questions to identify the best candidates
- Probing for additional information
- Using all the various types of questions appropriately to get past a reluctant candidate’s defense mechanisms
- Reading the telling non-verbal clues
- Finding out about a candidate’s personality and attitude – and how to spot red flags
- Handling “volunteered” information you would rather not know
- How to answer the candidate’s questions
- What’s different about interviewing internal candidates
- Warning signs that tell you the candidate is not what you are looking for
- What to tell candidates, and what to avoid telling, about your organization
- Do’s and don’ts for tests and assessments
- Closing an interview effectively
- Selecting the right person – evaluating and comparing candidates
- How to approach reference checking for best results
- Getting references to open up and give you the information you really want
- Skills Practice
Interviewing skills are essential to making good hiring decisions. Without training, hiring decisions can end up being popularity contests or outright illegal. We recommend organizations make interviewing skills training available to recruiters, supervisors and managers at all levels.
To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.
You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Featured Trainers in Human Resources
Interview, Hire, and Retain a Diverse Workforce
Learn Techniques to Interview, Evaluate and Hire an Increasingly Global and Diverse Workforce
Learn how to interview people from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. This seminar trains you how to interview and hire for diversity, and implement strategies to retain a diverse workforce.
- Learn how to interview people form different cultures
- Develop skills to make good hiring decisions and improve diversity in your workplace
- Learn how to interview for interpersonal and team skills with people from different cultures
- Discover new strategies to retain a high-quality diverse employee population
Note: This is a highly interactive program. Groups of not more than 20-25 people per session work best.
Participants learn how to interview individuals from different cultures and ethnic backgrounds through interactive exercises, discussions and role plays. Participants learn how to flex their approach and shift paradigms in terms of their own cultural expectations. Throughout the session participants may ask questions and have their questions answered by a subject matter expert.
This workshop is interactive and role plays can be created to fit your company and the specific cultures and ethnicities you need such as:
- American
- African American
- Hispanic/Latino
- Asian
- Chinese
- Indian
- German
- UK
- And More…View a list of over 40 cultures we work with
Who Should Attend
This training session is for human resource managers, human resource generalists, recruiters, managers, supervisors, and anyone who has the responsibility to interview, hire, manage, and/or retain a diverse employee population.
Training Benefits
- Increase awareness of the business, cultural and demographic frameworks for understanding and managing diversity
- Support managers, supervisors and human resource professionals in their efforts to respect, appreciate and value individual differences
- Improve interviewing skills for a diverse candidate base
- Improve hiring decisions
- Implement tools and strategies to obtain, retain, strengthen and fully utilize a diverse, high-quality workforce
- Be more competitive in a global economy
Overview of Concepts and Deliverables Provided
- How stereotypes and judging others can cloud our cultural perspective
- Understand the communication style of other cultures and ethnicities
- Adjusting your communication style to better communicate with others
- The differences between a CV versus resume
- How to read a CV to determine if the person has the skills required
- Learn how to interview individuals who use a different communication style
- Learn how to determine interpersonal and team skills with people from different cultures
- Determining the right “fit” for the job, team and organization
- Making great hiring decisions
- Learn how organizational culture impacts retention
- Use tools and strategies to improve organizational diversity and:
- help prevent unlawful discrimination or harassment incidents
- improve workplace relations
- build more effective work teams
- improve organizational problem solving
- improve customer service
- improve organizational performance overall
- Become the employer of choice in a diverse community
To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.
You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Featured Trainers in Human Resources
Employment Law for HR Professionals
Learn Legally Sound and Compliant Practices in this HR Law Training Course
An onsite Employment Law Training workshop designed to update you on all state and Federal employment laws and learn new human resource practices to comply with laws and industry standards. Each employment law course is customized to include the most up-to-date information and relate to the legal regulations and industry compliance standards that apply to your organization.
(We also offer a course for non-human resource professionals entitled "Employment Law for Managers.")
Who Should Attend
Human resource managers, specialists and generalists, and anyone who has the responsibility of ensuring employment law compliance within an organization. This course is especially useful for those who must keep up-to-date with the ever-changing employment laws.
Training Benefits
- Develop best practices to avoid discrimination charges
- Receive updates on current court decisions
- Examine the mandated and discretionary benefit laws
- Recruit to hire the best employees
- Understand what “At-Will” employment really means
- Develop new processes to improve and correct employee performance
- Obtain specific techniques and tools to document performance effectively
- Obtain legally defensible policies and procedures
Overview of Concepts and Deliverables Provided
- Review Title VII and other employment laws
- Understand how discrimination is defined in the courts
- Learn how to comply with the Immigration Reform Control Act (IRCA)
- Learn how to work within ADEA and other issues with older workers
- Review issues of contingent employees/independent contractors
- Know how to control and investigate sexual harassment claims effectively
- Understand how to work within the ADA
- Learn what is required of the employee and employer under FMLA
- Know your responsibilities under COBRA
- Learn how to comply with FLSA
- Understand how to limit unemployment claims
- Use proper documentation techniques
- Recognize the most effective recruitment and hiring practices
- Understand how to appropriately deal with privacy issues in the workplace
- Develop the ability to effectively deal with workplace violence
To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.
You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..