The Expectation Gap
If you supervise others and have had a conversation with one of your employees about promotions or salary increases, you have probably heard these phrases, “I come to work every day, on time, don’t cause trouble and do everything I’m asked to do, so I don’t think it’s fair that I received only an average increase.” Or, maybe you have heard this one: “If you pay me more, I’ll do more.”
These, and other similar comments from many employees I have talked to as a manager for 15 years and from many first-level supervisors I have met as a management trainer over the last 20 years, reflect what I call the “expectation gap.” This can be summarized in one sentence: Employees often expect high raises for work employers regard as the expected standard of performance.
In the first phrase above, “I come to work every day…” the employee’s list of reasons why he or she should have received a promotion are what most employers believe is simply doing what the employee was hired to do and is paid fairly to do. This level of work reflects what the job description and the policy handbook specify and they in turn represent standards which are defined as minimum acceptable levels of performance and conduct – not the basis for higher increases and promotions.
The second phrase, “If you pay me more, I’ll do more,” illustrates the expectation gap more starkly. Here, the employee expects the employer to pay them a higher salary in advance of higher levels of performance. However, the employer expects the employee to perform at higher-than-standard levels for an extended period of time (6 – 12 months) before providing higher levels of reward.
It’s easy for employers to blame employees for being unrealistic or feeling somehow entitled to higher rewards just because they showed up. And it’s easy for employees to blame employers for being greedy and always wanting more from employees without paying more for it. I believe it’s best to focus on one question – how can we close the expectation gap for everyone’s benefit.
Having been an employee, a manager, a business owner and a consultant, I have these suggestions for employers to avoid or reduce expectation-gap problems:
Accept that many employees do not understand that their job description and the policy handbook are minimum performance and conduct standards. So state this clearly up front to employees and advise them that successful completion of their duties and compliance to organizational policies warrants standard (minimum to mid-range) raises – not the highest-level raises.
- Clearly state what it takes to earn above-standard raises, bonuses and promotions. Define these in measurable or observable terms and give multiple examples of what you mean. Repeat these messages several times to each employee throughout the year in different, positive ways. Saying it once each year at performance evaluation time is not nearly enough.
I also, have these suggestions for employees to get more of what you want:
Accept that employers have a right to set performance standards, pay rates, benefits and raises at levels they think best to be competitive. You have the right to ask what all of these are and how you can get more in raises, bonuses and promotions, then decide if these terms meet your needs or not. You can also try to negotiate more.
- Make sure you meet all requirements of your job description and policy handbook and then look for ways to provide your employer additional value. Try solving problems or making suggestions without being asked, doing more or higher quality work or helping other employees. In order to attain higher rewards, you must first consistently deliver higher-than-expected performance. This is an unwritten rule that applies in virtually all organizations.
Employees should document how they exceed performance standards, make suggestions, solve problems and help others without being asked. Then they should make sure their manager knows about these efforts. All organizations and managers highly value and reward employees who provide high performance. However, some managers may take high performance for granted. If so, the employee with this kind of documentation has a great marketing tool when interviewing with other employers who will pay them more for higher level work.
© 2015 Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
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Give Employees Feedback the Same Way You Want It To Be Given To You
By: Ross Blake
As a supervisor or manager, you may hear responses like these when you give employees performance feedback:
“You’re just singling me out. Why don’t you go talk with Jolene and Billy, they use their cell phones whenever they want to.”
“It’s not always possible for me to arrive for work on time, my car doesn’t always start.”
As a result of hearing negative resistance to feedback like the above, some supervisors and managers hesitate to give needed feedback in the future, allowing performance issues and problems to continue and even worsen.
How can we give employees feedback when they need it and greatly increase the likelihood of gaining their cooperation to improve their performance? By giving them feedback the way they want to be given it.
How do they likely want to be given it? More than likely, it’s the same way you want to be given feedback by your own boss.
For example, suppose your boss feels she needs to give you feedback about a concern she has about some aspect of your job performance or work behavior.
How do you want her to give you that feedback with the objectives of: gaining your cooperation; resolving the issue satisfactorily; and maintaining a good work relationship with you? Chances are, you would want her to share what her concern is, and why it’s a concern; what she would like you to do instead, and why she wants you to do it that way; and to ask if you have concerns (or input) about what she is asking. By doing this, she is treating you like another adult professional.
Compare this with typical feedback sessions where managers tell employees that their performance does not meet standards; it’s harming morale and the organization; there is a warning to follow policies; and the session closes with a demand of “do I have your agreement?”
Notice how one-sided this approach is by not providing an opportunity for employees to respond, except to comply. In effect, it seeks cooperation through compliance instead of through collaboration.
In several ways, this approach encourages employees to withhold cooperation by resisting what their manager is saying; or, worse yet, to withhold cooperation back on the job by slowing work down, or giving incomplete answers and assistance to colleagues and customers.
By seeking cooperation through collaboration, you are much more likely to get the increased employee cooperation and performance improvement you desire—provided you give them feedback the same way you want to be given it.
By: Ross Blake
© 2015 Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
View our Leadership and Management Courses
Taking the Helm at Coastal Industries Simulation - $399.00
Play the role of CEO in adopting sustainable management practices.
Product Code: SustMgmt-SIM
Duration of Course Access: 180 Days
CEU Credits: 1
Introduction and Overview
Throughout this simulation, you will play the role of the new chief executive officer of Coastal Industries, a fictional manufacturer of industrial transformers. During the simulation, you will be asked to make a series of decisions as Coastal Industries adopts sustainable management practices. These decisions will involve the company's operations, its standing in the community, and its relations with local government and state and federal regulators. Each of your decisions will effect Coastal Industries in different ways.
You will be asked to make a series of decisions during the simulation, and each decision will impact the project in different ways.
Your goal in the simulation is to optimize positive scores across the following project management factors:
- Leadership Performance
- Board Support
- Employee Relations
- Social Responsibility
- Regulatory Compliance
- Environmental Practices
- Financial Performance
This simulation is meant to sharpen your understanding of the key leadership skills necessary for effective sustainable management.
Those skills include:
- Taking charge as a new leader
- Balancing competing concerns, such as management/employee preferences, community interests and financial needs
- Dealing with controversial decisions and the potential for negative responses both internally and externally
- Analyzing financial data and using that information to make educated decisions
- Managing organizational change
- Understanding the relationship between corporate responsibility and the community
- Assessing sustainability practices and measuring their organizational and financial impacts
- Finding compromises that meet short and long-term financial objectives
Target Audience: This course is designed for adult learners interested in advancing their understanding of sustainable management.
Level/Prerequisites: Introductory/No Prerequisites
Estimated Time to complete: 10 hours
Ask the Expert: This course has an "Ask the Expert" feature, which submits your questions directly to an expert in the field you are studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.
Required Material: This course does not require any additional purchases of supplementary materials.
Successful Completion Requirement for IACET CEU: Learners must score an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive IACET CEU credit.
View: Instructor-Led Leadership and Management Seminars and Workshops
Leadership and Management Training Information
From rookie to seasoned veteran, our leadership, management and supervisor development training seminars build the critical skills they need to succeed. All onsite training seminars and workshops are customized and designed around your specific training goals and objectives.
We work within your budget and your satisfaction is guaranteed!
Your training will be geared to the management and leadership issues going on right now within your organization. Your workshop will deal with the "real" beliefs, actions, and interactions that impact the bottom line. The result is interactive training that develops new behaviors and positive solutions to problems to maximize the potential of each team, each department and the entire organization.
(Explore our Leadership and Management courses, seminars and workshops.)
While each program is designed to develop specific leadership skills and leader abilities, all programs are developed with these key features and training benefits:
Key Program Features
- Real Time - deal with current issues
- Synergy Directed - get everyone on the same page
- Future Focused - provide positive direction
- Results Oriented - develop positive job performance behaviors
Management and Leadership Training Benefits
- Employees become more productive because they are more focused
- A positive work environment that will improve morale
- Teams who are truly working together to achieve goals
- An organization of problem solvers and change leaders
- An energizing strategy and plan that has buy-in from everyone
- Fewer complaints, gripes and groans
- More positive feedback
- Better customer relations - internal or external customers
- Improved performance
- Trust and respect between management and employees
- A more creative workforce continually improving processes
- Fewer behavior problems
- Less stress in the workplace
- Motivate people to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done
- Less negativity and bad attitudes
- Employees who are empowered and willing to take on responsibility
- Rock solid performance throughout the team, department and the entire organization
Our training helps you set the direction to achieve organizational goals.
Participants are rejuvenated with a real-world and tangible plan for success.
The Alliance Leadership and Management curriculum development process incorporates over 100 years of combined field practice and facilitation experience. We combine world-class management and leadership practices with training techniques specifically designed for the adult learner. As the Alliance slogan says, “We focus on performance.” That also means we are cost effective. We will work within your budget to deliver the quality training services you need. And, your satisfaction is guaranteed.
All of Alliance’s programs are customized to fit your organization's unique requirements. Plus, our training is 100% guaranteed. We will make certain your training targets your people and your organization's needs.
Give us a call, toll free, at 877-385-5515. We will answer all your questions.
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