Critical Thinking Skills for Leaders


Critical Thinking training to improve your problem solving, decision making and overall performance


This Critical Thinking course teaches critical thinking methods to generate new ideas, solve problems and make better decisions. Managers learn to implement team critical thinking skills. The course is customized to give direction for managers and supervisors to develop their ability to coach, mentor and integrate the use of critical thinking skills within their teams and departments. The course is typically given in a two-day training session, however, session time can be adjusted to focus on developing specific skills and understanding as determined by your training objectives.

Critical thinking is systematic thinking. Using a structured step-by-step process, critical thinking involves asking the right questions and expanding your understanding to improve both the process and the products of thinking. By understanding this process and developing the skills for critical thinking, everyone benefits. To maximize effectiveness, every manager must be able to incorporate critical thinking into their management process.

This highly interactive workshop provides tips, techniques, and thought exercises that develop critical thinking skills.

Who Should Attend

Supervisors, managers and executives who want to build and expand their thinking skills to fully consider all sides of an issue and anticipate a broader range of possibilities. This course is for anyone required to handle both daily and “big picture” issues effectively.

Training Benefits

  • Learn more effective ways of thinking to generate new ideas, solve problems, make decisions and serve customers better
  • Using smart thinking to manage conflict, make presentations, and plan meetings
  • Shift to the most appropriate thinking style for any situation
  • Complete tasks faster, make fewer mental mistakes
  • Develop skills to deal with new problems and manage change effectively
  • Develop organizational strategies to maximize intellectual capital and strategies for improvement


Overview of Course Topics and Learning Points

  • Know how to apply the principles of thinking
  • Tap into personal and team true thinking potential
  • Using the Socratic Method of questioning to get answers and think through options
  • Capitalize on diversity in thinking and break down barriers to innovation
  • Determine how to ask the right questions and challenge assumptions
  • Understand how to apply new problem solving and decision making skills
  • Know how to expand perceptions about situations and problems
  • Use clear thinking to influence
  • Identify how to know what you don’t know
  • Capitalize on the creativity of others


To receive more information about this training, call toll free at 877-385-5515. 

You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
20210 West 93rd Street

Lenexa, KS 66220

Toll Free: 877-385-5515
Local: 913-385-5515
Fax: 913-385-3353

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