How to Get More Done in Fewer Meetings & Control Disruptive Behaviors


Learn How to Make Meetings Effective


Learn how to lead effective meetings in this 1-day seminar. This Meeting Management Training Course teaches participants what to do before, during and after meetings in order to accomplish more results instead of scheduling more meetings. Participants learn how to plan meeting agendas, how to facilitate meetings to engage everyone, control disruptive behaviors to get meeting results and end on time.

Some studies estimate that managers and others spend 33% to 50% of their time in meetings, yet many people regard them as too long, frustrating, and a waste of time.

This seminar develops essential skills for assessing whether a meeting is really necessary, how to prepare for a meeting, and the basic principles of structuring a meeting for success.


NO PowerPoint! This is a highly interactive session.


In this highly interactive session, participants learn how to accomplish more results in meetings – instead of scheduling more meetings. They learn to deliver on meeting outcomes and stop disruptive meeting behaviors that can derail meeting agendas. Plus, they develop the skills and practice 11 key actions that effective facilitators use to keep the meeting on track and engage everyone to make effective group decisions. They discover how to facilitate a meeting that can harness the most powerful attributes of their team, improve cooperation and inspire the shared energies of everyone involved.

The emphasis is on learning skills through demonstrations, discovery, group activities, and skill practices where participants directly apply new skills using their workplace situations. Each participant receives a reference manual and skill-builder cards to reinforce learning points after the training.


Stop the negative reactions to meetings - Enhance your organization’s meeting culture!


Everyone leaves this training session with skills to strengthen their team efforts through fewer and more effective meetings. Collectively, this course can build a common culture for great meetings while increasing productivity and employee satisfaction at all levels!


Who should attend

This seminar is designed for team leaders, supervisors, managers and anyone who needs to achieve more results in fewer meetings.


Overview of Concepts and Deliverables Provided

  • Before Meetings: How to Develop Effective Agendas
    • What the meeting is to accomplish; the decision process; background materials; and agenda items ranked in the order of their importance
  • Before Meetings: Handling Latecomers & Disruptive Calls
    • How to approach people in advance who arrive late or receive calls
  • What Meetings Can and Cannot Do Well
    • The 6 types of meetings; how long meetings should be
  • Effective Participant Roles & Behaviors
    • Small groups identify the behaviors participants use in successful meetings
    • The 9 task roles and 5 people skills effective participants use
  • Effective Facilitator Roles & Behaviors
    • Small groups identify the behaviors that facilitators use in successful meetings
    • Who should be the facilitator - typically, it shouldn’t be the boss
    • Three roles of the facilitator
  • The 11 Key Actions of Effective Facilitators
    • Demonstration and review of 11 key facilitator actions during a group meeting
  • Five Ways to Get Participation
    • How to get more participation, even from reserved participants
  • One Skill to Handle Disruptive Behaviors
    • A demonstration followed by a skill practice of the one core skill that stops disruptive behaviors that ruin meetings, including people who dominate; attack others or their ideas; get off the subject or in side conversations; or talk on and on
  • Decision Matrix
    • A tool to help determine which solution(s) is most effective compared to others
  • Priority Setting Tool & Action Implementation Form
    • A tool to help the group decide which priority to implement first; an action plan form is also provided
  • Skill Practice: Each Participant Leads a Meeting
    • Each participant will lead a meeting in a small group and receive positive feedback and coaching


To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.

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Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
20210 West 93rd Street

Lenexa, KS 66220

Toll Free: 877-385-5515
Local: 913-385-5515
Fax: 913-385-3353

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