Negotiation Skills - $65.00


Learn strategies for gaining control in negotiation situations.


Product Code: NS101

Duration of Course Access: 12 Months






 Online Business Course  Online Communication Skills Course  Interactive Online Training



Introduction and Overview 

Everyone needs strategies for negotiating in everyday situations as well as business. This module presents strategies for gaining control in negotiation situations and effective methods of getting past obstacles. Several everyday negotiation scenarios are explored with tips for effective negotiation techniques to apply to these situations.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Employ the give/get principle in negotiation
  • Apply the six basic steps in negotiating
  • Implement negotiating strategies for win/win agreements
  • Recognize what is really being said by understanding body language
  • Respond effectively to negotiation ploys, tactics, and unhelpful behaviors
  • Take appropriate action when win/win negotiation fails


View: Instructor-Led Communication Skills Courses, Seminars and Workshops


Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
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Lenexa, KS 66220

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