BLUF Writing:

A Webinar Course for Better Communication


Most every email and virtually every communication demand a good BLUF. 


BLUF from the US Marines, is a standard for military communication. It stands for Bottom Line Up Front, and it's a way to communicate the most important thing (the bottom line) quickly and efficiently. 


  • Do you want to write better business emails?
  • Do you want to be seen as a credible professional?
  • Do you want your business writing to be read, understood, and accepted?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, then "BLUF: A Writing Course for Better Communication" is for you.

In this 60-minute webinar, you’ll learn the writing and communication skills you need to improve clarity and speed. You’ll learn how to write clear, concise emails, how to make decisions faster, and how to improve communication on your team.


 Recorded Webinar is available for purchase! 

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CEU Credits available with this course.


For more information call 1-913-385-5515 or email

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During this highly interactive virtual class, participants learn how to:

♦ Use BLUF to write clear, concise emails that get your point across quickly and effectively

♦ Use BLUF to make decisions faster and more confidently

♦ Use BLUF to clearly and concisely communicate your ideas to others

♦ Use BLUF to improve communication on your team

♦ Know when to use BLUF and when not to use BLUF


BLUF uses the principle of front loading to:

Improve comprehension: By stating your main point up front, you help readers understand what you're trying to say.

Decrease reading time: By getting to the point quickly, you save readers time.

Improve reader engagement: By drawing readers in with your main point, you make them more likely to read the rest of your writing

Structure content logically: By organizing your writing around your main point, you make it easier for readers to follow your argument.

Support readers who skim: By stating your main point up front, you make it easy for readers who skim to get the gist of your writing.


“The quality of your writing directly reflects the quality of your work.”


Who will benefit:

Human resources professionals, engineers, knowledge professionals, SMEs, administrative support staff, employees being asked to do more writing on the job than expected, training specialists, learning and development specialists


Your Instructor: Mandi Stanley

With more than 26 years’ experience, Certified Speaking Professional Mandi Stanley works with business and governmental leaders who want to boost their professional presence by becoming better speakers and writers. She has traveled throughout North America presenting technical writing intensives, entertaining and educating more than 75,000 participants. She began her technical writing career as a proposal writing specialist for a healthcare firm and parlayed that experience into writing and developing the methodologies for five writing workshops. Audiences appreciate her platform enthusiasm, interactive style, and content-rich messages. (View Mandi Stanley's bio.)


To learn more about all of our webinar training, click to: On Demand Webinars & Customized Webinar Training

Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
20210 West 93rd Street

Lenexa, KS 66220

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