Excellent Resources from Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
Alliance offers products to continue the learning experience after our training, and products which are complementary to our consulting and other services.
Nexus Questionnaires - Sales and use tax Issues
Compiled by: Lester Smith, CPA
Avoid the two words you never want to hear: Audit Surprise! We make it easy to find the answers to your nexus questions. Our state-specific questionnaires are available for all 45 states that impose sales and use taxes and the District of Columbia. These current, concise, and complete questionnaires are based on the myriad regulations of the states and cover the issues the states have identified for nexus consideration. They can save you countless hours of research trying to find what each state looks at when examining your activities for physical presence sufficient to require registration and compliance with tax collection or reporting. (These Nexus Questionnaires are often purchase with our Sales and Use Tax Instructor-Led Training Sessions and our Online Sales and Use Tax Course.)
Any 5 states - $29.95
Any 10 states - $49.95
All 45 states and DC - $89.95
To order any of the Nexus Questionnaires: Call 877-385-5515 or E-mail us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Branding for Success |
Author: Larry Checco |
Price $19.00 |
Larry Checco’s book, Branding for Success, has found success in United States, Australia, Canada, South Africa and Sweden. The book offers a template for branding in nonprofit organizations and agencies. Larry is a keynote speaker and branding trainer. As a true expert on branding, Larry Checco is often quoted by branding experts and his branding articles have been reprinted on numerous Web sites, such as the Kellogg Foundation, GuideStar, the Foundation Center, National Council on Nonprofit Associations, KnowledgePlex, the Michigan State University library system, and many others. Here what people are saying about Branding for Success:“It’s the real thing!” "If you know what product this phrase represents, then you know about the pervasive power of brand marketing. But there’s more to branding than coming up with a catchy one-liner, and Larry Checco will show you not only how to engage your whole organization in the process of creating a brand identity...but how the process also benefits organizational development, strategic planning, fundraising, media visibility and morale. This easy-to-digest book is a must-read for all nonprofits trying to differentiate themselves and compete in an era of diminishing funds and increasing need." - Harold Simon, Editor/Publisher of Shelterforce, flagship publication of the National Housing Institute "A must read for getting your nonprofit noticed in today's financially challenging landscape. Branding for Success offers $60,000 worth of consulting services for the price of a $20 book!" - John Schall, former President/CEO, National Congress for Community Economic Development |
Please Sue Me |
Author: Hunter Lott |
Price: $29.00 |
It used to be so much easier to manage employees. The corporate philosophy was, "Do it or else." Employees now consider this a "hostile work environment." Making the transition from co-worker/friend to boss is not easy. Even long time managers don't communicate their expectations or understand the motivation of today's employees. Most managers consider hiring and interviewing an interruption of their day. Too often they look at discipline as a tool to "get even" and "documentation" as something human resources made up. This is a recipe for poor performance, morale issues and lawsuits. This book combines the best practical "how to's" for safe hiring and firing practices every frontline manager needs to know. |
Project Management with Microsoft Project 2003 |
Author: Ron Black |
Price: $19.00 |
Get this book and get it done! This up-to-date, unique guide provides solutions for anyone who’s been assigned a project to manage. Instead of just focusing on how to use Microsoft Project 2003, it teaches you the concepts of formal project management, and then shows you how to set this popular project management software to work. This book includes everything managers will need to organize projects, track their progress, and present them like professionals.
Ordinary Women…Extraordinary Success |
Co-Author: Claudia James |
What does it take to be considered extraordinary? Author Claudia James knows. She’s among the contributors to Ordinary Women…Extraordinary Success, a book which brings together 19 women who share their own extraordinary stories to inspire, empower, and advise others to reach new heights. Claudia joins ranks with New York Times bestselling author Dr. Chérie Carter-Scott (If Life is a Game, These Are the Rules), acclaimed songwriter Jana Stanfield (her song “If I Had Only Known” was a quadruple platinum hit for Reba McEntire), and 16 of America’s top motivational speakers who have created a book by women for women.“Ordinary Women…Extraordinary Success includes contributions from an amazing group of motivators, all with very different backgrounds and stories,” says Claudia. “Our book makes you realize that you can overcome obstacles, embrace life, celebrate, laugh, pray, and love.” “This book is a must read for every woman who wants to know how to create more success and satisfaction in her life,” says Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Women’s Soul. “The chapters I wrote cover…..Success in Finances 'Secure Your Finacial Future' and Success of the Soul, 'Let Your Light Shine' " says Claudia. “Everyone who reads this book will find a little of themselves in it -- and smile -- knowing what great potential lies within.” |
Giving Myself Permission |
Author: Pennie Murray |
Price: $12.00 To Order Call 877-385-5515 |
If you want to take your life to the next level, if you want to know success on your terms and not the terms of others, then this book is for you. Pennie Murray identifies the distractions, insecurities, fears, and self-induced limitations that can keep you from achieving maximum success. This book gives you the fuel to challenge the status quo and go beyond self-limiting conditions. Take charge of your success by giving yourself permission to be the best. |
Passport to the Podium |
Author: Carolyn Kerner Stein |
Price: $16.00 |
Passport to the Podium is your ticket to acquiring confident speaking skills. As you travel through these pages, you will learn the techniques to express your ideas with authority, develop leadership and communicate with charisma. You'll learn how to:
"This book is a tremendous resource for anyone who wants to communicate better, succeed more, and enjoy a richer life. Highly recommended." -Nido R. Qubein, CSP, CPAE Recipient of Toastmasters International Golden Gavel Award |
Coaching for Improved Work Performance, Revised Edition |
Author: Ferdinand F. Fournies | |
Managing employees in today’s rapidly evolving workplace can sometimes feel like negotiating a minefield. Such recent new trends as flextime, telecommuting, 360-degree feedback, the flattening of hierarchies, and the increased use of temps and contract workers present tough new challenges for supervisors in every field. This timely, completely revised and updated edition of Ferdinand Fournies’s classic management coaching "bible" shows you proven ways to get workers to perform at the highest level while eliminating the self-destructive kinds of behaviors that have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. In this book, you will learn specific face-to-face interventions you can use to enhance performance in every kind of workplace situation--from sales to creative brainstorming. There are also interventions uniquely suited to resolving problems ranging from low productivity to absenteeism to conflicts between individuals. You’ll learn precisely what to say and do so that each person you supervise will want to give you his or her best work--even when that person was previously thought to be a "problem employee." Packed with brand-new case studies from Fournies’s latest research into the dynamics of the modern workplace, this classic guide takes all the guesswork out of becoming the kind of inspired, "hands-on" manager that every company today is looking for! |