Managing Change Online Course - $65.00
Learn how to manage change and adopt practical strategies to deal with resistance to change.
Introduction and Overview
Managers traditionally have had the task of contributing to the effectiveness of their organization while maintaining high morale. Today, these roles often have to be balanced with the reality of implementing changes imposed by senior management. Managers who have an understanding of the dynamics of change are better equipped to analyze the factors at play in their own particular circumstances, and to adopt practical strategies to deal with resistance. This course will help participants deal with change and will give them strategies to bring back to their employees.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Accept that there are no normal or abnormal ways of reacting to change, but that we must start from where we are
- See change not as something to be feared and resisted but as an essential element of the world to be accepted
- Understand that adapting to change is not technical but attitudinal - change is not an intellectual issue but one that strikes at who you are
- Recognize that before we can embrace the way things will be, we must go through a process of grieving, and of letting go of the way things used to be
- See change as an opportunity for self-motivation and innovation
- Identify strategies for helping change be accepted and implemented in the workplace
View: Instructor-Led Leadership / Management Courses, Seminars and Workshops