Intruder & Active Shooter Response Training


Intruder & Active Shooter Response training for workplace, school, government, healthcare and religious organizations.

  • Employees learn how to respond and what to do in active shooter situations.

  • Develop effective strategies and action plans for intruder and active shooter situations. 


Our training provides solutions that are both applicable and based in reality. Our courses bridge the gap between responding police officers and the rest of us in an active shooter situation.

These courses assist your people in their ability to: prevent; report; and protect themselves from an active shooter during the critical moments while waiting for a police presence to arrive. Everyone learns necessary skills and develops a mindset to properly respond to these extremely difficult situations.

Counter the fear of workplace violence with preparedness, awareness, and planning for action!

Workplace Active Shooter & Intruder Response Training

Although active shooter incidents within the workplace by disgruntled employees are events that receive intense media coverage we need to recognize that workplace violence of some sort takes place every day in the United States. Some examples of these workplace violence events that occur between co-workers and others with inter-personal relationships include threats, harassment, bullying, domestic violence, stalking, emotional abuse, intimidation, and other forms of behavior and physical violence. These lesser events if left unchecked may result in more serious violent behavior, including active shooters intent on mass murder in the workplace. Read more

Healthcare Violence, Active Shooter & Intruder Response Training

These courses provide healthcare leadership, management, security and front line personnel with information and strategies to recognize and respond to the dynamic challenges and violent incidents within the healthcare workplace. Participants learn to recognize behavioral pre-cursors to threatening and potentially violent incidents. Plus, participants practice techniques and strategies to prevent, de-escalate & mitigate incidents of violence. Read More

School Security, Active Shooter & Intruder Response Training

Learn how to bridge the gap between responding officers and school faculty, administrators and other school personnel in an active shooter situation. The course is designed to assist school personnel in their ability to: prevent; report; and protect themselves and their students from an active shooter during the critical moments while waiting for a police presence to arrive and what to expect from the officers once they are on scene. It is also designed to provide law enforcement officers with the necessary skill sets and mindset to properly respond to these extremely difficult situations. Read more

Church Security Training

This training is specifically designed for your church security team, church greeters, church ushers or parking attendants. We have several training courses that can be customized with various timelines and training objectives suitable for church demographics and desired capabilities. Read more

Workplace Violence, Intruder and Active Shooter Consulting and Training Services

For more information call toll free 877-385-5515


The Alliance Training strategic partnership with the Strategos International trainers and consultants provides training and consulting solutions related to:

  • active shooter training

  • active shooter response

  • church security

  • workplace violence

  • workplace violence training

  • active shooter training for schools

  • active shooter response training

  • violence in schools

  • school lockdown procedure

  • violence in schools

  • lockdown procedures for schools

  • active shooter training for hospitals

  • active shooter training for workplace

  • active shooter training

  • church security training

  • school active shooter training

  • church security plan

  • violence in the workplace

  • active shooting training

  • church security teams