Individual Sensitivity Coaching
One-on-One Harassment Prevention, Abusive Conduct and Diversity Training is now available.
When a harassment, abusive conduct or diversity issue involves one of your executives, managers, or another valued employee, we can help you salvage the person and your organization’s reputation.
This confidential service is designed to refocus thoughts and behaviors that can create costly personnel issues and legal ramifications. We have a proven record of helping individuals take prompt corrective action and get them on track with appropriate workplace behavior with custom Individual Sensitivity Coaching tailored to your specific situation.
If an harassment claim has been filed and it involves one of your key people. Or, perhaps you recognize the abusive behavior of a top executive is heading the company straight into a potentially costly settlement, courtroom battle, and/or damaged reputation. What do you do? This is certainly not the time to do nothing. (See the article: The Latest EEOC Harassment Statistics.)
Before you fire the employee or wait for the lawsuit, we suggest that you support the person with our individual sensitivity coaching.
You will be amazed at what a couple of hours of our one-on-one coaching and straight talk can do.
These coaching sessions are not necessarily easy conversations and every situation is different. The right approach to this special coaching environment is determined by many factors such as personality, communication style, background, and beliefs of the individual being coached.
That is why this sensitivity coaching session requires the kind of professional approach and customization we have to offer.
We provide a tailored one-on-one coaching session that ensures prompt corrective action is taken by the individual. The process shows your commitment to them and contributes to their professional development as a valuable member of your organization. It is a win/win for everyone.
We look forward to working with you. Call us toll free at 877-385-5515. You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will be happy to answers all of your questions about our workplace harassment solutions.
View all of our Sexual Harassment Training Outlines and Training Options