Branding for Success Workshop
Learn How to Create Your Unique Selling Proposition and Best Position the Organization in the Marketplace
This training session will get your organization’s branding efforts on track. This is not about quick fixes. This workshop is about creating a solid brand image. You will learn to improve brand visibility through coordination, collaboration, consistency and the effective use of often overlooked branding resources. You will discover innovative branding methods, learn how to implement best practices for branding, and leave with an entirely new and exciting approach to your branding efforts.
Improve your organization’s visibility and support through branding.
Too often, organizations are so focused on product or service delivery that they’ve never given much thought to creating an organizational identity or brand that is easily explainable to themselves, let alone an external audience. For example, have you or one of your staff been asked, “So, what does your organization do?” and been tongue-tied when giving a response?
Brand building training is customized to either for-profit or non-profit organizations.
Whether you are a for-profit company wanting to improve the visibility of your products and services, or a non-profit organization who needs to generate better fund-raising efforts or improve community support and awareness, this workshop is for you. You will be introduced to new and different ways to raise your organization’s brand profile and maximize its potential.
You leave this raining with a branding plan you can implement immediately.
The workshop, adapted to either for-profit or non-profit organizations, is designed to help you clarify what good branding is all about. You will discover new ways to improve the branding process in your organization. You will use a unique “Branding Blueprint Template” to create an individualized plan to better define, promote, and protect your brand.
Who Should Attend
Board members and executive directors, as well as communications, marketing and development staff.
Training Benefits
- Better define their organization’s brand
- Actively promote the brand
- Diligently protect the brand
- Leave the workshop with an individualized blueprint for what needs to be done to implement a practical, cost-effective branding component into their organization’s everyday business activities
Overview of Training Topics and Learning Points
While the course primarily focuses on defining, promoting and protecting a brand, a core message delivered throughout the workshop is that good branding is far less about marketing, advertising, and public relations and far more about good leadership, appropriate and ethical behavior, and an organization’s ability and willingness to fulfill the covenant, or promises, its brand represents.
Course Outline (6-8 hrs.)
Morning Session
- Group exercise around participants’ impressions as to what constitutes a good brand
- Debunk several myths about branding
- Define what good branding entails (True/False reality check)
- Group exercise around determining what constitutes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) for particular organizations when it comes to defining a brand
- The thought process that goes into creating a brand “messaging package,” which includes a tagline, mission statement, positioning statement, supporting statements and logo. NOTE: The purpose of the messaging package is to help everyone in the organization stay “on brand message.”
Afternoon Session
- Peer review: Participants will be asked to bring three or four of their organization’s printed materials to be reviewed by their peers and the instructor for brand effectiveness
- True/False reality check regarding brand promotion followed by a group brainstorming session on cost effective ways to promote a brand
- Group exercise on all the ways a brand can be tarnished and what can be done to protect it
The training closes with each participant identifying one to three things they can do within the next 30 days to better identify, promote or protect their brands.
Featured Branding Expert and Workshop Facilitator: Larry Checco
To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515.
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