Making Performance Management a Motivation Tool


Training to Manage Performance and Motivate Employees to Continue Developing Their Skills


Learn how to make appraisals and coaching work as an effective part of the performance management process to motivate employees and improve performance. This 1-day onsite performance management seminar is customized to work effectively with your performance management and appraisal system.

Make performance appraisals fair and meaningful
Most managers and supervisors are uncomfortable conducting performance appraisal discussions. Only a few feel confident in their ability to accurately assess the performance of their employees. This course helps managers effectively deal with the most common–and most difficult–challenges in using the performance appraisal system. Knowing how to give honest performance evaluation feedback and use the appraisal system as a communication and motivational performance management tool will improve employee performance.

Keep appraisals legal
Using the techniques developed in this program, managers will enhance their coaching skills and practice methods to effectively document and support any rating. They learn how to avoid evaluation mistakes that can lead to feeling of unfairness, arguments, decreased morale and even lawsuits. This program shows managers how to deliver even the most difficult performance reviews and appraisals effectively.

Save time with effective performance management processes
This training reveals the best practices to reduce the time spent in preparing meaningful and productive employee appraisals. 

Keep performance management future focused
Performance management is an ongoing process, but it begins with employee involvement in setting specific expectations and measurable goals. Coaching through the performance period helps employees achieve success and document performance–good and bad. The process also provides data to streamline the process of writing the appraisal and sets the stage for a positive appraisal session with no surprises.

In this session, managers and supervisors learn how to make the performance management process an ongoing process of helping employees build to higher levels of performance.


Who Should Attend

Executives, managers and supervisors who need to know how to use employee performance evaluations as a positive tool in developing better job performance and employee morale.


Training Benefits

  • Establish the fundamentals for an effective performance management process
  • Increase the confidence and comfort level of managers and supervisors
  • Increase employee performance through coaching and goal setting
  • Increase morale through better feedback
  • Avoid potential adverse legal action due to subjective ratings
  • Generate better performance expectations and standards
  • Avoid arguments and bad feelings over appraisal ratings
  • Sidestep the most common evaluation pitfalls and problems
  • Build and maintain the credibility of the evaluation process

Overview of Concepts and Deliverables Provided

  • Understand the real value of the performance discussions – both formal and informal
  • Learn to use performance discussions to stimulate better communication
  • Determine how to make the appraisal form work for you, not against you
  • Know how to streamline the assessment process to save time and improve performance
  • Attain the skills to use ongoing performance management communication as a motivator
  • Learn the steps for effective coaching
  • Know how to initiate and follow through with performance discussions when performance is below expectations
  • Learn the rules for positive and negative feedback
  • How to set better goals and expectations to motivate higher performance
  • Know how to make the performance setting and discussion more positive and productive
  • How to best prepare for the performance discussion
  • Avoid overly-subjective performance appraisal ratings
  • Make performance discussions more interactive
  • How to handle evaluations that become emotional
  • How to handle defensiveness and challenges to performance ratings
  • Determine what to do to motivate the employee on the “no-reason-to-change-plateau”
  • How to handle the person who says, “Why should I improve when I’m doing just fine now?”
  • Keys to develop and maintain the validity of the performance management process


To receive more information about this training call toll free at 877-385-5515. 

You may also email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.
20210 West 93rd Street

Lenexa, KS 66220

Toll Free: 877-385-5515
Local: 913-385-5515
Fax: 913-385-3353

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